You’ve received the following request from max Carpentier.

Can you give met Accu capacity.
And the optional for more hours power. Till let we say around 8 hours .

Request Details:

Request ID: XfOHgP
Configurator: PEHN 530 Elektroboot

User Selections:

  • Basispreis 0,00
  • Basismodell 27.900,00
    • Standard 0,8kw Motor 27.900,00
Gesamtpreis 27.900,00

Konfiguration ansehen

Customer Details:

Name max Carpentier
Phone 0031646788998
Von |2022-08-29T10:55:10+02:0029. August 2022|Kommentare deaktiviert für New Request: #XfOHgP

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